Communication in today’s times has taken a whole new meaning with technological innovations becoming a more central part of our social routine. “Chatting” or texting via messenger apps is the preferred way of staying in touch — professionally and socially. Chat apps are evolving at a frenzied rate and becoming more human.

Incorporation of AI elements in a messaging app to help ease conversations is the obvious next step, in a time when AI is transforming many industries and businesses around the world. OLPORTAL has created an ecosystem where AI neurobots can be developed that can help in messaging. Through machine learning (Level 6), these neurobots understand and analyse the pattern of the user’s chatting history and suggest messages that spice up conversations and remove mental blocks while chatting.
OLPORTAL has developed iMe Messenger as the first product using its proprietary technology. iMe Messenger integrates seamlessly with the Telegram app. OLPORTAL is in the process of developing many such platforms that will integrate with other messaging and social media platforms. Developers can develop AI neurobots for this platform (just like Alexa Skills Marketplace) and earn money when their neurobots are bought by users.

Not just developers, but users can also monetize their chats through deployment of commercial neurobots developed by various businesses within the OLPORTAL ecosystem. These neurobots participate organically in chats and suggest goods and services as if one friend is suggesting it to another. Use of such “commercial” or marketing bots can be a rewarding activity for any user who stands to earn from the businesses whose neurobots they have deployed.

How Does this Work?
This can work effectively in various scenarios. Let’s consider a scenario where two people are planning a meeting over coffee. Here, if one of them uses the commercial AI Bots by, say a café, the conversation would play out in an interesting manner.

When someone suggests a meeting over coffee, “Let’s meet tomorrow for a coffee”; the user of the commercial neurobot will receive a notification that he or she has a promo code for a particular café and the bot will suggest going to that café. The user then chooses to send the location and the information for this particular cafe to the person he was chatting with.

When the two individuals visit the café and pay using the promo code, the advertiser, i.e. the café management, as well as OLPORTAL receives the information. A success fee is paid by the advertiser (café) to OLPORTAL, part of which OLPORTAL pays back to the neurobot user.

This is a win-win situation for all stakeholders — the business (café) receives new customers, OLPORTAL gets paid for sending customers towards a business and the user also gets rewarded for using the neurobot and completing a successful transaction at the business.

In some cases, the suggestions actually help in providing relevant new information to the user, along with plugging in the product. To understand this, let us consider a case where two people are considering watching a movie, and they do not know what movies are running in theatres near them.

In a similar vein to the previous case, one of the participants of the conversation asks- “What’s in the movies now?” Again the AI neurobot picks it up and provides a list of movies in a nearby theatre along with their review, ratings, and a promo code. And when the user buys the tickets with the promo code, he gets rewarded. The advertiser (movie theatre) has to pay a success fee to OLPORTAL. However, here the role of AI goes beyond monetary rewards. The user receives information in a far more convenient way.

The Future of Marketing
Organic, word-of-mouth marketing is always considered the Holy Grail by marketers all around the world. No amount of inbound or outbound marketing can beat an old-fashioned suggestion by a friend that a particular product or service is good. The trust factor in such cases is extremely high, as we tend to trust the people we know far better than any business that is trying to sell us their product or service.

Through the use of AI neurobots within the OLPORTAL ecosystem, word-of-mouth marketing takes a whole new meaning. Not only do these neurobots help in seamless conversations, they also help in organic marketing of products for the benefit of all stakeholders within the ecosystem. This is the future of marketing.


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